Woodwind Mouthpieces
Eb Sopranino - the smallest and the highest!

Bb Soprano - the 'standard' clarinet for students and most professionals.
A - (slightly) bigger brother to the Bb.
Bassett Clarinet or Horn - a Classical era instrument most often
in the key of A or F.
Eb Alto - bigger and lower than a Bb, but not as big as the Bb Bass.
Bb Bass - commonly the lowest clarinet heard in orchestra.
EEb Contra-Alto - twice as long as the Eb Alto and very low.
BBb Contra-Bass - the grand-daddy of the family, in some band compositions.
Eb Sopranino - the smallest of the sax family.
Bb Soprano - think Kenny G.
Eb Alto - the 'standard' for many students.
C Melody - this sax enjoyed popularity in the early 1900s made popular by
Rudy Wiedoeft and Frankie Trumbauer, but is now uncommon.
Bb Tenor - longer and lower than the Alto of course, and so sweet as a solo instrument.
Eb Baritone - roughly twice as big as an Eb Alto, typically the ground floor.
Bb Bass - the basement!
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