Modify My Piece
We'll modify a mouthpiece you already own with gold plating, engraving, and/or satin finish. Get Started

Specs Hub Mouthpiece Finder
Measurements & Info
We've assembled a massive amount of mouthpiece specifications & info into a single resource center for your convenience - the Mouthpiece Express Specs Hub! Note: Some resources are in PDF.
Measurements & Info
We've assembled a massive amount of mouthpiece specifications & info into a single resource center for your convenience - the Mouthpiece Express Specs Hub! Note: Some resources are in PDF.
Jim Fox's Comparison Charts
Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba
Jim Fox, a longtime friend of Mouthpiece Express, has assembled a great resource for Trumpet, Trombone, and Tuba players. Compare many mouthpieces in multiple tables and a multitude of sizes!
Trumpet, Trombone, Tuba
Jim Fox, a longtime friend of Mouthpiece Express, has assembled a great resource for Trumpet, Trombone, and Tuba players. Compare many mouthpieces in multiple tables and a multitude of sizes!
For Students
Fingering Charts, Instrument Care, Manuscript Templates... Free!
Download fingering charts for many band instruments, percussion rudiments, tips for instrument care & maintenance, manuscript paper layouts, the Circle of 5ths, and a transpositions chart!
Fingering Charts, Instrument Care, Manuscript Templates... Free!
Download fingering charts for many band instruments, percussion rudiments, tips for instrument care & maintenance, manuscript paper layouts, the Circle of 5ths, and a transpositions chart!
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